Sunday, March 06, 2005

Polar Bear Scare.

It was a sunny yet windy Sunday morning. I decided to take a walk near the beach that morning as I had been couped up in the house for days. The weather had recently been very nasty. Blinding snow, high wind chill factors and low temperatures dominated the days. The sunlight glinting off of the sea ice and the fractal patterns produced by drifting snow, were inviting me for a visit.
I walked down to the beach through an access created by the storm. A large snowdrift covered what would usually be an inaccessible cliff leading to the beach. The thirty foot drop was now a gentle slope made of hard wind blown snow. My morning walk had started off to be delightful stroll in my frozen arctic home. I was getting closer to the town beach after a five minute walk. I proceeded past houses and boats on my way towards the museum. Once past the museum I thought that I would walk into the town and grab a breakfast at the local fast food diner. I was interupted in my plans when I turned around the corner of the Museum building. There stood in front of me a massive hind quarters of a polar bear sticking out the back door of the museum. I froze. I would not move in fear of being heard by the bear. The bear was not moving at all. Here I was stuck in a "statue of Liberty" contest with the world's largest land roaming carnivor. I do not know how long I stood there. I was puzzled by the lack of any movement by the bear. It's head is stuck in the door and he see's something scary so he is not moving, I thought. I could relate to that. This was getting uncanny when to my surprise a man walked out of the door. The same door that this bear is peering into. The man waves a g'morning to me then proceeds to push, with his shoulder, the stuffed bear, into the museum.
He was having a hard time. I offered to help him. He accepted.
I told him that this bear really looks like it is alive. He proceeded to tell me a story about the first days of his employment. Walking into an unlit room and not knowing about the bear...well that's a different story.

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