Sunday, September 11, 2005

online telepathy experiment

online telepathy experiment
This is a bit stupid but it works a good 70% of the time. Give it a try.


Mark Daniels said...

What did the numbers at the beginning mean?

I thought of a zebra from CZechoslovakia.

zandperl said...

It's a parlor trick.

Mark, you made a mistake in your arithmatic.

Anything from 2 to 9 multiplied by 9 gives a two digit number whose digits add to 9: 18, 27, 36, ... Subtract 5 from that and you get 4, or the letter D. Denmark is the only country in Europe starting with a D. Its second letter is an E. Commonly known animals whose English names start with an E are eagle, elephant, and emu. (By the way, birds ARE animals, they're just not mammals.) Eliminating the birds leaves a gray elephant from Denmark.