Monday, October 10, 2005

Arctic Earwig.

We found an earwig.
Well that may not be so extraordinary to most but it is too me. This mean little insect was running happily atop a layer of arctic snow. The temperature outside was +1C. It displayed aggression and has a set of pinchers that it uses like a scorpion would use it's stinger. This little thing can really gives you the creeps!
I tried to look it up to see what species it was. I was amazed at the fact that there are so many species of earwig. Many looking harmless while some were little attack tanks. A chill ran down my spine as I learned that some could fly. I don't want to have to cope with flying little nightmares.
I had not found any examples in text, or cybertext, that would tell me the name of this creature. I tried to be more specific like searching for "arctic earwigs" in the search engines. No results.
This must be a new species. Possibly and plausibly. We wil never know. I had read that earwigs are considered pests so I killed it.

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